Enter IEP placements outside the school

Some students might need to be placed in a special placement program during their enrollment in a special education. If a student is placed in a program inside the school, you assign the placement while you complete the initial referral workflowClosed a method of coordinating multi-step processes involving one or more users.

To enter the placement for a program outside the school:

  1. Log on to the Special Education view.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • Select Student > search for and select the student > IEPsClosed Individualized Education Program. Select the IEP you need to track placements for > Details.
    • Select IEP > search for and select the student whose IEP you need to track placements for > Details.

Note: If your district uses IEP locking, in order to edit an IEP, you must first lock the IEP data. Do the following:

  1. Click the yellow Unlocked icon " ".
  2. When the green Locked icon appears " ", you can edit the IEP.
  3. If the red Locked by another user icon " " appears, someone else has locked the IEP data for editing, and you must wait until they are done before you can make your changes. If you have override privileges, you can override the lock. If you do so, the following warning appears.

    Warning pop-up that states current user's changes will be discarded; option to continue or cancel

  1. When your changes are complete, click Save, and then click Green locked icon to release the lock.
  2. If a lock is overriden by someone else, the following prompt appears when you attempt to save.

    Pop-up states that you must claim a lock on this record before saving

Click the yellow Unlocked icon " " to reclaim the lock, re-enter your edits and save your changes; then click Locked icon to release the lock.

  1. Click the drop-down to select the appropriate placement form template.Closed a page with a predesigned, customized format, such as the Student Detail page

    IEP page

  1. Enter the information.
  2. Click Save.
Note: The MA IEP Form NEW template is displayed above. For information on completing fields on this template, view the Aspen Guide to the New IEP document in Pando (Pages > Community > MA Special Education).